Building a Large Income with Your Cash Cow : 6 Steps.
- Register as a member - you have already done this or you would not be reading this page.
- Become Active.
- Sponsor 5 New Active members
- Draw your commission
- Teach your 5 to do the same.
- Repeat the process
Register as a member - this is obvious - if you are not in you can't win!
Become Active. Do this immediately - it is only $10 and many of your downline will do as you do. If you wait, so will they. Who wants a team of procrastinators? Show that you are serious about this business and they will follow your lead! Also your upline is there to assist you, but why should they if they are not getting paid? Once you become active they start to earn from you and have a responsibility to help and guide you.
We only accept EGold but we have arranged for a third party to take credit cards and send us the EGold; so if you wish you can use this facility and make your monthly hosting payment using Visa, MC, Amex or Discover cards. You will still need to open an EGold account to receive your commissions.
Sponsor 5 New Active members - to get 5 active members you may need to sponsor 10 or 15 FREE members, but how hard can it be to give away $10? Do this as fast as possible because once again your downline will follow your lead. You want your business and income to grow fast so put in some time and effort at the start. Also don't be afraid to spend a little cash in promotions - it will repay you handsomely in the future.
First of all use the Invitation Page and add the names and addresses of anyone in your address book. It will automatically send them a short email inviting them to visit your website. Don't worry about whether or not they will join; you have no control over that, your job is simply to invite as many people as possible to your site. Some will join - some will not - some will become active -some will not.
You may have heard of Bill Britt, one of the most successful distributors in Amway. Some years ago, 20/20 did a feature story on Amway. They spent 19 minutes interviewing whiners and complainers -- several distributors who had failed and showed the garages full of products they couldn't sell. During the last minute of the show, Mr. Britt was interviewed in front of his palatial home. He was asked, "Mr. Britt, this business has obviously worked for you. What's your secret?"
He replied, "There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people. 900 said, 'No.' and only 300 signed up. Out of those 300, only 85 did anything at all. Out of those 85 only 35 were serious, and out of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire." Like Mark Yarnell (who made millions with NuSkin), Bill worked through the numbers.
ANY business is a numbers game, plain and simple! Remember that & be persistent & you WILL succeed.
Your business is all about advertising and promotion (same as any other business) so think of all the ways you can advertise, try them all and keep using the ones that bring you success. Some ideas are online advertising through email, banners, ezine ads, safe lists etc. Offline using business cards, flyers, newspaper classifieds, notice boards etc.
Keep it short & simple - e.g. Make money fast - sign up FREE and get a $10 bonus.
Above all be creative and monitor your results.
Draw your commission - do this as soon as you have your minimum amount. It will prove to you and your downline that the system is working. Then spend it on something small to reward yourself for your success. There will soon be plenty more and you will be able to have bigger rewards and still put some cash into advertising.
Teach your 5 to do the same - this is where most people stop! How can you expect your business to grow and keep growing if you do not help your downline make money too? They joined you for the chance to make money help them and you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. Ignore them and you are likely to get into a downward spiral resulting in failure. Make the effort - become a friend and mentor - be the person you wish you had helping you - but do not work for them. Always help, show and do things with them but never for them. Teach them to be independent and teach them to teach their downline to be the same.
Repeat the process - Just keep doing what works and add new ides for testing all the time until your income has reached the level you desire.
"It is possible to fail in many ways...while to succeed is possible only in one way." - Aristotle
If there was a $50,000 cash reward for sponsoring six people in one week, you could do it. You will find in the long run that six first-level distributors are far more valuable than $50,000 cash.